About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Technical Analysis: Chart Patterns

Traders believe that the underlying theory behind chart patterns is that various shapes, or patterns, repeatedly show up on charts, and highlight various trends that can present trading opportunities. The most common chart patterns are: Symmetrical Triangles Ascending Triangles Descending Triangles Double Top Double Bottom Head and Shoulders Reverse Head and Shoulders Symmetrical Triangles AContinue Reading

Os Fundamentos da Análise Técnica: O Guia Completo

No mundo acelerado dos mercados financeiros, compreender a dinâmica dos movimentos de preços é crucial para traders e investidores. É aqui que a análise técnica entra em cena. Ao examinar dados históricos do mercado, a análise técnica permite aos indivíduos decifrar padrões e tendências, possibilitando a tomada de decisões informadas sobre a compra e vendaContinue Reading

The Basics Of Fundamental Analysis

When formulating a trading strategy, traders employ various tools that can be broadly classified into two types of analysis methods: technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Although there are differing opinions on each approach, there is no definitive answer as to which trading strategy is “superior.” Each analysis method has its own advantages, and traders tendContinue Reading

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