About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

What is Copy Trading?

Often used by new investors to replicate the success of more experienced traders, copy trading is exactly what it sounds like – a system that allows traders to join a network of other traders, pick the traders they like, and copy the trades that they make. For the less-experienced trader, the trading journey can beContinue Reading

Google Fined in South Korea and Europe

Google will be fined $4.12 billion in its antitrust suit with the EU, which describes an accusation that Google uses its Android OS to quash competition. However, the fine has been reduced from the original 4.34 billion euros, proposed in 2018, to 4.125 billion euros. This is the third EU fine for Google, the othersContinue Reading

SDR Stock Split Notice

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised of the upcoming Schroders PLC (SDR) stock split that is going to take place as per the following schedule: •   Ex-Date: September 20th, 2022 (GMT+3, MT4/MT5 server time). Common shares will trade at the new split-adjusted price. The primary motive is to make the shares more affordable to small investorsContinue Reading

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